Будинки, квартири, приміщення, земельні ділянки, новобудови на продаж або в оренду
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We have the largest collection of new home listings across the country
The purchase of real estate in Spain for foreigners is a process that is available to everyone, regardless of their residency status in that country. It is important to note that before entering into a real estate transaction, foreigners must obtain a special identification number known as a NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero), which is issued by the Spanish public authorities. This number is mandatory for this type of transaction in Spain.
Homes near or close to the beach
Choose the part of the Mediterranean coast and we will show you houses and apartments that you can buy near the sea
Categories of properties in new construction developments
You can find all type of new-build properties according to your preferences with the developer's prices.
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